Logo by: KX Technologies
February 7th
"IMGUR - Human Pinecone" i'd rather see this than the human centipede.

"YouTube - Waking up my Kitten With an Air Horn" this never gets old.

"IMGUR - Darning of Torn Fabric" FEER

"YouTube - Woman Rescues a Bunny and Later Gets The Greatest Surprise" i really do hate these click-bait titles. so much.
Sent in by: AlexR
"IMGUR - Bear Acted Like He Was Searching For Something" yeah he was searching for a moose-ass-whoopin!
Sent in by: Jach
"YouTube - Kitten Eats Salmon With Doom Music" hahahahah \m/
Sent in by: FabFour
February 6th
"IMGUR - A High Stakes Situation" all that to save a seagull.

"YouTube - Star Wars Dark Forces Remaster Trailer" having played this when it was new, i never really understood why it was so beloved? sure it was a pretty good FPS back in the day, but it wasn't anything special...

"IMGUR - Axe Throwing Idiot" yep 'The Boss'

"IMGUR - Training Session" we've all been there.
Sent in by: MrsFactual
"YouTube - JingleHeimer Jucntion - SNL" wowo a funny old SNL skit! you dont see these every day.
Sent in by: Meuller
"IMGUR - Phone Stand" omg where are all of my old mix tapes?!??
Sent in by: FreeMassons
February 5th
"IMGUR - And the Survey Says" it would be amazing if this added up to 100%

"YouTube - I Can't Believe Its Just a Burning Memory" hahah Release the smoke!

"IMGUR - What Did People Used To Do For Fun Before the Internet?" *snicker*

"YouTube - We Make a Car From Logs in the Forest..." i think im done with Garage54, their videos are simply not trying anymore.
Sent in by: AlexR
"IMGUR - Hork Is My New Favorite Animal" i think Hork might be the greatest thing i've seen all day.
Sent in by: Caga
"YouTube - Astarion Moments #1 - Our Group is Full of Weirdos!" Baldurs Gate 3 is soooo goood. Why dont companies make games like this all the time?
Sent in by: Maddigan
February 4th
"IMGUR - Ahhhhh" cat.exe has stopped responding.

"Reddit - An Infertile Owl Accepting Two Parentless Young Ones With Open Arms..." awwwww cuteness overload!

"YouTube - Bells Theorem - The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox" feer science!

"IMGUR - Full Sized Dump of Stolen Memes" wow some fresh memes in here! some of them are actually moderately funny.
Sent in by: PaulySci
"YouTube - SCTV - Big Giant Restaurant" classic SCTV.
Sent in by: AlexR
"IMGUR - I Guess That Bowling Ball Demonstration Just Wasn't Sufficient" whoa. badass.
Sent in by: Shovelware
February 3rd
"IMGUR - Lovely" i'm sure this seems like a great idea, until your mower picks up some loose gravel and fires it up your shorts.

"YouTube - Brown Eye Struggle" pretty sure we all wanna be featured in only good lighting.

"IMGUR - Republicans Live In an AI Generated Alternate Reality" lols i'm speechless

"IMGUR - Its Going to be 70 Degrees Tomorrow..." its always Jian Yang.
Sent in by: Klunker
"IMGUR - Well F_ck" brutal. i have so many questions.
Sent in by: Cheney
"IMGUR - Solid Detective Work" this is profilling....
Sent in by: Dizzy
February 2nd
"IMGUR - A Designer Created a Shirt With Magnet Buttons..." i want shirts with magnetic buttons... everyone should have these.

"Arstechnica - Buyers of Bored Ape NFTs Sue After Digital Apes Turn Out To Be a Bad Investment" this is an old article, but someone brought this bored-ape-nft topic the other day in conversation, it still seems completely ridiculous that this became as popular as it did.

"YouTube - Dry Ice and Water Into a Tire" is it just me or is Garage54 just getting old?

"IMGUR - Wooden Roller Coaster in Pennsylvania" i want to do this so bad.
Sent in by: Scar
"YouTube - Killer Bean - Official Trailer" hahah i need to play this.
Sent in by: BadlerBate
"IMGUR - Maui From Moana Works at Costco" so awesome.
Sent in by:: ShortBed
February 1st
"YouTube - When a Gay Guy Gets to Heaven" hahaha ITS THE VEGETABLES!!!!

"IMGUR - She F_cking At My Paw" *snicker* this dog is having a crisis.

"YouTube - Salvatore Ganacci - Take Me To America" every music video is an assault on eyes and ears. So good.

"Independent - Wedding Attendee Sparks Brawl After Young Girl Cut In Front of Him at Buffet Line..." come on, we've all been there. trapped at a wedding for hours, then we finally get into the reception, have to wait in line for the buffet, and someone jumps infront of you...
Sent in by: orax
"YouTube - Black Out - Video Games" wtf is this?
Sent in by: DoomChap
"IMGUR - Princess Prowess" what ever happened to American Ninja Warrior? it kinda died out during covid..
Sent in by: Masterdon